Vacation: Enjoy the Ride Home?

Lisa Schwaller
3 min readJul 19, 2022
Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

Reflect on how you feel about the journey home from vacation/holiday.

People seem to enjoy the ride to get to vacation whether by air, car, or train.

There’s the sense of excitement and possibility, at least, and some enjoy the experience of going in itself.

And…what about the ride home?

Most of us feel tired. Maybe disappointed. (All those unfinished books! Just me?)

Maybe stressed about coming back to “real” life with all of its obligations.

Recently I went out of town to a conference.

I met people in person that I’d grown to know and love over the pandemic years.

By the time the event ended, we were all enthralled, inspired, and exhausted.

I had the fortune of being just 3 hours away from the event by car.

I gave my last hug goodbye and settled into the car, checking Google Maps for tricky traffic spots.

I mentally geared up for the solo drive through fields of Texas wildflowers back to my home.

And I decided right there: “I’m going to enjoy the journey home as much as every other part.”

Normally I would find myself complaining in the final hour.

“I’m tired. How much longer?”

This time, I put on a fun Pandora radio station and decided that the last mile was going to be as good as — BETTER THAN — my first mile.

I am turning 50 in 2022.

I want my final miles to be BETTER THAN my first miles.

I want the last 50 years to be BETTER THAN my first 50 years.

Will it turn out that way?

Ah, who knows?

But I love that intention.

If you are traveling this summer, consider trying that mindset on for yourself and your travel companions.

  • How can you have high energy and enthusiasm about going home?
  • What do you want to say to yourself to help cultivate a sense of EXCITEMENT about what awaits you at home?

Try to take this beyond mere positive affirmation level.

What if…you had a conversation on the ride home that changed a relationship for the better?

What if…your colleagues are genuinely excited to see you back because they adore you, not just because you’re there to help with the work backlog?

What if…you were genuinely excited to open your inbox because you know how much you mean to your customers and how much they mean to you?

I worked for a company where they had a saying about sales: “The back half (of the year) is the best half.”

Try it on like a new outfit. It might not be your typical style, but can you see yourself wearing the mindset of “coming back is the best?”

See how it affects your relationship with stress.

Life is a journey.

Choose if you want to appreciate every moment.

P.S. I invite you to fall in love with my podcast, “Less Stress, More Fun.” Subscribe today! Each week’s episodes are short (14–18 mins, on average), smart (lots of research) and fun (especially if you love 80s music).

