If your relationship feels awkward…

Lisa Schwaller
2 min readApr 20, 2021

Gather around, my friends, it’s story time.

Once upon a time, two people met each other.

They liked each other and the relationship grew into something beautiful.

They decided to say “yes” to each other. Maybe there was a state-sanctioned ceremony. Maybe not.

They said “forever” to each other.

Then things got weird.

[record scratch]

Wait, what? PLOT TWIST!

People desperately want to be seen and feel connected in their relationship.

Yet, at times, they are incredibly uncomfortable talking with their partner about certain topics like s-e-x.

Why would anything be off limits with your person?

Are you afraid they might reject you? Get angry? Laugh?

The worst thing that can happen when you speak your truth is just a feeling.

Now, you might be thinking, “But they could…” and there is some scary thing after “…”

Would your partner react badly?


But awkwardly avoiding certain topics with your person isn’t good for you, either.

Listen, I have been super awkward about intimacy in my relationships.

My trauma experiences and general lack of emotional maturity caused a lot of grief for my partner and me.

I felt shame about certain topics like s-e-x. I didn’t want to talk about it with my partner.

I avoided judgement because of my own self-judgment.

I judged myself as “weird.”

So. I suffered.

You do not have to suffer being awkward in your closest relationship. No, nope, no way. I can help you.

For starters, ask yourself this question:

What’s one thing that you’ve never told another person? Why do you think that you’ve kept this to yourself?

If this information was valuable, consider signing up to receive my free workbook “3 Reasons That You Aren’t Having Sex” available here.

